Saturday, August 25, 2012

Jindal and Medicare

This won't be my most eloquent post, I am having trouble putting this into words.  I want to protect my source.

Due to the crap Bobby Jindal pulled with the medicare funds our elderly are being cut off of their pain medications, with no withdrawal treatment.

Jindal refused to expand Medicare so the state lost it's federal funding.  In Louisiana almost 65 cents of every  medicare dollar comes from the federal government.  Now these elderly in nursing homes are being denied coverage for their medications.

This is an update on this presently unpublished blog.  I posted the following on a conspiracy forum on Aug 20, 2012, I noticed yesterday it had been removed from my profile, just by accident I was looking for something else.  Well today August 25, 2012 it turns up on the forum under someone else's name.  I don't know if I should be flattered or concerned.

I spoke with a nurse from a local nursing home here in Louisiana, she told me her patients painkiller prescriptions are no longer being covered by Medicare. The patients are all suffering from withdrawals and the staff there is not equipped to deal with it.

Bobby Jindal turned down the AHA and Louisiana lost 5 million in Medicare funding because of it. Louisiana is so poor we receive over 60 cents on ever dollar we spend on Medicare from the federal government. The main reason he turned this down was in hopes of getting the VP nomination from Mitt.

I suggest you check on your elderly if you live in a state where your Republican governor turned down the AHA.

Even before this Jindal had made deep cuts into the LSU Medical System which provides low cost care to the uninsured. A friend went to the ER of one recently while suffering a stroke, they had no room in the ICU or a bed on a floor for him so they put him on a cot in the ER for 24 hours to watch him. What he witnessed that night was gorilla health care. A 69 year old woman that has worked as a cook all her life came in with a broken leg. They had no staff to x-ray her so they could not put a cast on her, they were going to give her crutches and a boot but there were none to be found, so the doctors made a homemade splint for her and told her to go to another hospital 150 miles away. They also had no pediatrics staff available, so if you had a sick baby you were out of luck.

This is what our system of medical care has given us. Life saving medical care should not only be for those that can afford a $500 a month premium or are lucky enough to have coverage provided by your employer.

This is what 60 years of the insurance racquet running our medical system has given us. Insurance companies are not in the business of providing health care they are in the business of denying health care.

I hear people say they don't want to pay for someone else's health care, well when people have to seek emergency care and are unable to pay, we all pay for it in the form of higher health care costs. So you end up paying for it one way or the other. Why not provide them preventive health care and bring down the costs? We would have a healthier and stronger nation. When socialized medicine was introduced in Europe employers found there were significant fewer sick days taken resulting in huge savings, not to mention healthier and happier more productive workers.

When the AHA goes into effect in 2014 the cost of insurance premiums will drop. There will be more people in the insurance pool thus costs will drop. We saw the same thing happen when they allowed the auto insurance industry to sell across state lines. This will be an even larger impact due to more people buying insurance and there will be more competition.
Actually when you look at it the AHA is just a big ol present tied up in a bow for the insurance companies.

The way things stand now, when the uninsured can go to the ER and not pay for their treatment, the hospital and doctors just pass that loss on to the rest of us in the form of higher charges. If you don't think you are not already paying for the medical treatment of others you are delusional. At least with AHA everybody will be responsible for obtaining coverage for themselves.

The cost of healthcare in the US is the highest in the world and we are number 37 in quality of care. I don't believe AHA is a perfect answer but it is a hell of a lot better than what we have at present.

How to Chick Fil A a Family

This whole Chick Fil A thing is totally out of hand.
We have had several friends block us and remove us from their facebook friends lists.  These are those tolerant Christians.  One, a preacher I might add, actually posted he was tired of being called intolerant and promptly proceed to remove anyone with a differing opinion, including family.  Even family that had not even engaged him in conversation on the subject.  When I think about it, it was only family that removed us, all of our friends with differing opinions are all still actually speaking and we have all hugged and made up.
My friend let's call him Chris, has cancer.  He has worked all his life paid into the system his fair share, however because he decided he wanted to spend his second half of his life teaching he is no longer eligible for any type of Social Security.  He spent 30 years working in the system and five as a teacher.  He was diagnosed with cancer in January, they gave him an appointment for the end of  February.  Well a few days ago they called and told him it has been pushed back another 6 weeks due to budget cuts.  Now this is not an appointment for treatment, this is just the appointment to discuss the plan for treatment.  Knowing how the system works I'm sure treatment won't start for another 6 or 12 weeks. You see he has no insurance and is relying on the Louisiana State University System.  He was injured by a student throwing a desk at him and was about to return to work when he got sick.  Long story short he lost his insurance.  The way things stand now, he would not be able to afford his share of the treatments on top of an insurance payment anyway.

I do not believe a persons being able to receive life saving treatment. should be linked with a person's ability to pay.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Katrina and Rita

I thinking about what I remember about Katrina and Rita, I live about 2 hours between where both of them hit. I remember the vehicle after vehicle packed with people and the look of absolute fear on their faces and their blank stares. Vehicles piled high with every belonging they could carry with them. People who had no idea what tomorrow would bring but were scared to even think about it because it was too unimaginable. They were heading north, just heading north, they didn't know where they were going, where they were going to sleep or eat or find safety.

I housed several families that lost their homes. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a man that did everything he was suppose to all his life and suddenly had everything taken away. 

These people not only lost homes they lost their communities. Their doctors were gone, the pharmacy that they used for their babies and their eldery, the mechanic that could always get their car running, the grocery store on the corner, everything and everybody was gone.

The communities south of New Orleans like Chalmette, Meraux which were home to the middle class workers of New Orleans, you don't hear about the loss they faced all you hear about is New Orleans.

All of this the result of a barge breaking loose and crashing into a levee.

The suffering I witnessed in those weeks and months following those hurricanes is something I never want to see again.

Friday, January 20, 2012

just for my information

There was an interesting discussing this week in a support group I count myself blessed to be a part of.  Doctors Brorson and Fagher, estimate that in Sweden at least 10.000  persons have Dercum´s disease …it certainly is more prolific than we may  realize.  They even suspect it could go as far back as a viking gene.  This created a good deal of interesting conversation between the group members.  I mentioned during the discussion, that years ago I had read an article about body type and ancestry and mine fit viking.  According to the study if as a woman you developed early and were busty odds were your ancestry is viking. I do not know how "scientific" this article was but it is an amusing coincidence because that description certainly fits me.  I think I'll make a new character on LoTR and call her Brunhilda.

It is so great to have a place to exchange ideas and knowledge that you know the people there know exactly where you are coming from.  I know my family and friends must get tired of me talking about my condition, they don't say anything they are very supportive, but I see the eyes glaze  So this support group of angels is where I go to talk to my heart's content about my lumps.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I want to scream but a hero would not do that

You know you hear all these wonderful feel good stories about people with disabilities and life threatening illness being so strong and courageous and spreading cheer where ever they go.  Well excuse me but I don't feel up to it.  I think it is a way of  people relieving themselves of guilt "See they are fine they don't need any help".  Well  I hurt I am tired and I am done worrying about everybody else's feelings.

While I know their intentions are good or they just don't fully understand a disease I barely understand myself, but I sometimes get snippy with friends and family who try to encourage me to get out more.
A few notes:
1. No I cannot go Christmas shopping with you on Dec 23,
2. When you want me to do something, I need at least a few hours notice
3. Some days are great, some days are black
4. Ask me all the questions you want, I want to spread the word about this common disease that is seldom diagnosed.  I'll even show you my lumps.