Saturday, August 25, 2012

My friend let's call him Chris, has cancer.  He has worked all his life paid into the system his fair share, however because he decided he wanted to spend his second half of his life teaching he is no longer eligible for any type of Social Security.  He spent 30 years working in the system and five as a teacher.  He was diagnosed with cancer in January, they gave him an appointment for the end of  February.  Well a few days ago they called and told him it has been pushed back another 6 weeks due to budget cuts.  Now this is not an appointment for treatment, this is just the appointment to discuss the plan for treatment.  Knowing how the system works I'm sure treatment won't start for another 6 or 12 weeks. You see he has no insurance and is relying on the Louisiana State University System.  He was injured by a student throwing a desk at him and was about to return to work when he got sick.  Long story short he lost his insurance.  The way things stand now, he would not be able to afford his share of the treatments on top of an insurance payment anyway.

I do not believe a persons being able to receive life saving treatment. should be linked with a person's ability to pay.

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