Friday, January 20, 2012

just for my information

There was an interesting discussing this week in a support group I count myself blessed to be a part of.  Doctors Brorson and Fagher, estimate that in Sweden at least 10.000  persons have Dercum´s disease …it certainly is more prolific than we may  realize.  They even suspect it could go as far back as a viking gene.  This created a good deal of interesting conversation between the group members.  I mentioned during the discussion, that years ago I had read an article about body type and ancestry and mine fit viking.  According to the study if as a woman you developed early and were busty odds were your ancestry is viking. I do not know how "scientific" this article was but it is an amusing coincidence because that description certainly fits me.  I think I'll make a new character on LoTR and call her Brunhilda.

It is so great to have a place to exchange ideas and knowledge that you know the people there know exactly where you are coming from.  I know my family and friends must get tired of me talking about my condition, they don't say anything they are very supportive, but I see the eyes glaze  So this support group of angels is where I go to talk to my heart's content about my lumps.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I want to scream but a hero would not do that

You know you hear all these wonderful feel good stories about people with disabilities and life threatening illness being so strong and courageous and spreading cheer where ever they go.  Well excuse me but I don't feel up to it.  I think it is a way of  people relieving themselves of guilt "See they are fine they don't need any help".  Well  I hurt I am tired and I am done worrying about everybody else's feelings.

While I know their intentions are good or they just don't fully understand a disease I barely understand myself, but I sometimes get snippy with friends and family who try to encourage me to get out more.
A few notes:
1. No I cannot go Christmas shopping with you on Dec 23,
2. When you want me to do something, I need at least a few hours notice
3. Some days are great, some days are black
4. Ask me all the questions you want, I want to spread the word about this common disease that is seldom diagnosed.  I'll even show you my lumps.