Thursday, July 2, 2020

Have you ever been so sad you woke up and your pillow was wet

Friday, June 19, 2020

A peace of the puzzle

My daughter noticed I did not cry when my dog died...she knew I was very sad about it. I didn't cry when my Mom died or my Dad or my sister. I have been thinking about it. I remember my Mom telling me funerals were for the living that the dead were in a better place. I was told not to cry for myself because I was overly sensitive. So I guess I figured/ I know that is why I don't cry at funerals. I never realized how cut and dry I look at life. This is the rule you follow it. This kinda brings me a little peace of the puzzle

I'm saved

I was baptized at the First Baptist Church in Beaumont in 1962.  I remember the first time we pulled up to the church, I was accustom to small rural churches, this place was huge and grand and consisted of several buildings connected all very modern and Eisenhower I was overwhelmed.  Afterwards I thought I had to act like the Virgin Mary that is a high standard to live up to.

Glenn at the pet store

Nona and Glenn were the coolest hippie couple in St. Landry Parish.  One day they went to Doral's Pet Store. Doral's was the top of the line pet shop in the area.  They were walking around the shop and everytime Glenn walked by the parrot it would say "Pet Me".  Even though there was a large sign on the cage saying "Don't pet me parrot", Glenn could not resist.  As he reached for the cage the parrot started squalling and yelling "Help POLICE HELP POLICE.  Glenn said he could hear Nona cackling from across the store.

either too old or too stoned

nothing to say just cannot figure out how to delete this page

Why I don't cry at funerals

Why don't I cry at funerals?.  Because you are not suppose to cry for yourself.  Funerals are for the living, the dead have moved on to a much better place.  Now is this because I am autistic or because I was raised by an autistic mother?   ummm more questions to ponder

I just thought that was how life was

I just thought that was how life was.  How could I know pain was not the norm?