Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A Trip Through Life

This afternoon I took a run into town,  as I was merged on to I-49 south I noticed flashing lights in my rearview mirror.  I didn't worry because the speed trap is the next exit north and I know better.  You do not speed on I-49 north of Opelousas.  It turned out to be an ambulance from Natchitoches, there were two cars following real close, I figured it had to be family.  One car was a late model sedan with a Florida plate with a young man driving it and you could see he must have had all his belongings in that car, the backseat was packed to the roof.  I bet he came in because some one was ill.  I thought to myself that poor family, there must have been someone so ill they were having to transfer them.  I got so emotional my eyes started tearing up.  They kept heading south and I took the first exit into Opelousas.  After running my errands that were more an excuse to get out of the house than anything and as I was pulling back on to I-49 north heading home the DJ on the radio was talking to a young girl that had a song request for her fiance.  The DJ started asking the young lady about her story.  Turns out the couple met when the girl went on a family vacation to the Azores.  While there they visited her father's best friend that had stood as his bestman 25 years ago.  Turned out the friend had a son.  Well long story short, the couple hit it off and he gave up everything he had and moved here to be with her.

So on one little trip into town I experienced the best and worst of life.